When you book with an account, you will be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
Static: The freediver holds his breath for as long as possible with his nose and mouth immersed while floating on the surface of the water. Static apnea is the only discipline based on time of breath hold and not distance nor depth. This class will focus on mind training to be able to extend your comfort zone but also push your limit. We will also do some stretching and breathing exercise (pranayama) to prepare the body to the dive.
DYN: (dynamic with fins) is a pool discipline in which the freediver travels in a horizontal position underwater attempting to cover the greatest possible distance. In this course, we will train the finning techniques, body position, turns but also O2 and CO2 tolerance.
Price Includes
Pool fees
Pré Recquisites
Certification required
Open on Whatsapp
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Julien Borde - PranaMaya
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